Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Appointment Rescheduled


We were supposed to have our appointment today but due to the doctor having a family emergency the appointment had to be rescheduled to next Tuesday :(  We were bummed because we were so excited about getting to see the birth mother and how much the little ones had grown and now we have to wait another week to see them.  Well, at least she will be further along next week and hopefully we will get an even better look at how the twins are doing :)

As of this week it is the start of her 3rd trimester!  Praise the Lord!  Now we can breath a little easier: otherwise healthy babies born this week have a 90% chance of survival with no lasting physical or neurological impairment.  We continue to pray that they will make it until week 37, which is when they will be considered full-term and should at that point not have to spend any time in the NICU, Lord willing.

Can't wait to see them next week! 

I will make sure to post how the appointment goes after our appointment next Tuesday :)

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